Tune In to God's Frequency: 6 Ways Christians Can Learn to Listen to God

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Woman praying at sunrise on a mountain

In a fast-paced, noisy, and self-centered world that’s filled with potholes and bad decisions, finding moments of quiet and connection with God is essential for Christians. As believers, it is imperative that we are able to discern God's voice to receive guidance, comfort, and direction from Him.

Learning to listen to God is not only profound spiritual discipline but also a source of joy, peace, and growth in our faith journey.  In this blog post, we will explore the importance of listening to God and delve into five powerful ways Christians can tune their hearts to His voice.

We’ll start with the importance of learning to listen to God (which you already know is important!).   

There are a ton of reasons why this is important, but I will start with three big ones. 

1.       Receiving Guidance/Direction.

God speaks to us through various means, and by listening attentively, we gain access to His wisdom and guidance. He directs our steps, reveals His plans, and provides solutions to challenges we face. Listening to God helps us navigate life's uncertainties with confidence and clarity.

In other words, when we listen to God, we make better decisions.  God will speak to anyone willing to listen, and He is clear with what He has to say.  In other words, He will never give conflicting guidance.

This also prevents us from regretting decisions. 

For example, in 2021 I was faced with three potential job opportunities, one in Chicago (where I lived), and two in Pittsburgh (where I grew up).  I prayed a lot about this decision because I went back and forth and back and forth – I really didn’t know what the right decision was.  God told me to take one of the Pittsburgh jobs. 

It was His perfect plan, because I got to spend a lot more quality time with my mother and made some critical professional contacts.  And even though I left that job after 18 months, I have absolutely question as to whether I made the right decision.  Had I made a decision without asking for His guidance and listening for it, I very well could today be wondering what could have been.

Sun coming through the clouds in a blue sky

2.       Learning His Will for Our Lives.

In addition to getting critical guidance, listening to God strengthens our relationship with Him. As we actively engage in communication, we grow closer to His heart, understanding His character and desires for our lives, and we grow in our faith and trust in Him.  It allows us to align our will with His, which is the most important goal for the Christian life.

3.       Developing Spiritual Discernment.

Developing the ability to hear God's voiced also cultivates our spiritual discernment. Spiritual discernment is the process of recognizing and understanding God's voice amidst the various influences in our lives. It enables us to differentiate between God's leading, our own desires, and the enemy's whispers. This discernment becomes a compass, guiding us in making the right decisions and avoiding pitfalls.

Now on to the how.  How do we learn to hear God’s voice? 

Woman reading the Bible in the morning

(And no, I’m not saying you physically hear a voice.  You just get an overwhelming feeling where you know God is speaking to you.  You don’t have to second guess it – if you’ve felt it, you know what I’m talking about.)

1.       Reading the Word.  

The Bible is God's inspired Word, a treasure trove of wisdom and divine revelation. Through reading the Scriptures, we encounter God's truth, His promises, and His instructions for living a righteous life. Regular engagement with the Word opens our hearts to God's voice, as the Holy Spirit illuminates the text, speaking to our spirits. 

Don’t know where to start? Reading through the Bible in a year is a great place!

If that sounds overwhelming - I understand. I thought so the first time I did it, but it was easy with a good plan and made me look at it in a totally different way. If you want to give it a shot, try my Bible in 365 Days plan!

It’s a simple and doable breakdown of what to read every day, with the benefit of not having to start on January 1 or lagging behind if you miss a day or two (it’s easy to jump right back in). Get it here!

2.       Meditating on the Word. 

 Meditation takes us beyond mere reading, allowing the Word to sink deeply into our hearts. By reflecting on Scripture, pondering its meaning, and applying it to our lives, we engage in a transformative practice. Meditating on the Word involves stillness, intentionality, and active listening to God's voice speaking through His written Word. 

3.       Praying.   

 Prayer is a powerful avenue of communication with God. It involves not only expressing our thoughts and needs but also listening to His gentle promptings. As we create space in our prayers for God's response, we open ourselves up to hear His whispers, guidance, and affirmation. 

4.       Quiet Time with God. 

Amidst the hustle and bustle of life, carving out intentional quiet time with God is crucial. This dedicated period allows us to eliminate distractions and focus solely on our relationship with Him. In the silence, we position ourselves to receive His still, small voice, filling us with peace, insight, and renewed strength. 

Our prayers lives often turn into us as that colleague/acquaintance who only wants to talk about him or herself. While we certainly need to be doing the talking, we should also be quiet and devote some of that time to listen. Just be quiet and alone with God.

Remember, your quiet time alone with God should include both you talking (praying), and you giving Him the opportunity to talk.

Because if you routinely set aside time to be quiet and listen, He will say something to you!

Sun coming through clouds in a pink and blue sky

5.       During Praise. 

Praise and worship create an atmosphere where we can hear God more clearly. By lifting our voices in adoration and gratitude, we shift our focus from ourselves to God. Praise invites His presence, and in His presence, we encounter the divine. As we exalt God, our hearts become attuned to His voice, receiving inspiration, encouragement, and divine downloads.

6. During Trials.

Trials and difficulties are inevitable in our lives. However, particularly in the midst of challenging circumstances, we often have no option but to turn to God to listen.  Think about when you’ve been at your lowest.  When you can’t pull yourself out of something (grief, unemployment, a physical ailment), you are reminded that you do not have the ability to fix everything.  God often reminds us during trials that we rely on Him for everything, which we often forget when things are going well. 

It has been during the worst storms of my life, when I had to turn all my attention to God and cry out for mercy and healing, that I’ve heard His voice the loudest.  I discussed this in my story about losing my father and almost my own life in a year, and it was only God’s gift of peace during that time that I survived.

Learning to listen to God is an exciting and transformative journey. By prioritizing these six ways—reading the Word, meditating on the Word, praying, spending quiet time with God, praising Him, and turning to Him during trials —we can cultivate a deeper, more intimate relationship with Him and keep our steps on the right path. Through listening to God's voice, we discover purpose, find comfort in His presence, and feel confident that we are making the decisions He wants for our lives.

In the words of my favorite pastor, Charles Stanley, “Obey God, and leave all the consequences to Him.”  Listening to what God is telling you helps you do just that.

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