Why Morning Is the Best Time for Your Bible Reading (and How to Do It)

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Woman reading the Bible in bed with coffee

As Christians, we know the importance of spending time in the Word of God.  We understand that reading the Bible can help us grow closer to God and deepen our faith. But with busy schedules and countless distractions (plus lots of excuses from Satan), finding time for Bible study can be a challenge.

That's why I want to suggest you make reading the Bible a part of your morning routine.

Whether you’re a new Christian or you’re just having a hard time making fellowship with God a consistent part of your daily schedule, I’m here to help and encourage you!

In this post, I'll share with you 1.  some of the benefits of starting your day with Scripture, and 2.  some tips for making it a habit.

1. Starts Your Day on the Right Foot.

When you start your day with the Bible, you're starting your day with God. It's a powerful way to align your heart and mind with His will and purpose for your life. You'll be better equipped to face the challenges and temptations of the day because you'll be grounded in the truth of God's Word.

As Psalm 143:8 says, "Let the morning bring me word of Your unfailing love, for I have put my trust in You. Show me the way I should go, for to You I entrust my life."

This means you’ll be more able to carry that sense of peace and purpose with you throughout the day. It can help you stay focused on God's will for your life.

This also means you will not sweat the small stuff, as they say.

Woman reading Colossians in the Bible

2.     Improves Retention. 

Another benefit of reading the Bible in the morning is that it can help you better retain what you read. When you read the Bible first thing in the morning, your mind is fresh, and you're less likely to be distracted by the events of the day. This means you can focus better on what you're reading and take the time to reflect on its meaning.

3.     Increases Likelihood of Application.

A morning devotional allows you to meditate on what you've read throughout the day. As you go about your day, the words of Scripture will come to mind, and you'll be more likely to apply them to your life. You may find yourself being more patient with others, making wiser decisions, or simply feeling more at peace.

As James 1:22 says, "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says." By starting your day with the Bible, you'll be better equipped to live out your faith in practical ways.

4. Helps You Focus.

Reading the Bible in the morning can help you focus your mind on what truly matters. It can help you prioritize your time and energy and remind you of your purpose as a follower of Christ. As Jesus said in Matthew 6:33, "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well." When you make God's Word a priority in your life, everything else will fall into place.

5. Boosts Your Spiritual Growth.

This is probably the most obvious reason. 

Spending time with God involves a myriad of things, including talking to Him, listening to Him, and reading His instructions.  Spending time in the Word is a critical component to strengthening your relationship with God as a Christian. 

And remember, consistency is key!

Woman reading the Bible in bed

6. Sets the Tone for Your Day.

Starting your day with the Bible can set the tone for the rest of your day. When you begin your day with God's Word, you'll be more likely to carry that sense of peace and purpose with you throughout the day. It can help you stay focused on God's will for your life and to be a witness for Christ in all that you do.

Now that you know the benefits of putting your daily Bible reading in the morning, how do you make time and maximize your experience? 

Woman reading the Bible at sunrise

Here are a few things that help me:

1. Set aside a specific time each day.

Whether it's as soon as you wake up (my preference) or after you finish your workout/while you’re drinking coffee, choose a consistent time slot in your routine that works for you and commit to it.

 2. Find a quiet place to read.

Eliminate distractions and find a place where you can focus on God's Word without interruption.  This is one of the reasons I do it as soon as my alarm goes off – no emails or family or news headlines to distract me!

3. Use a devotional or reading plan.

This can help you stay on track and ensure that you're reading the Bible consistently. 

I’m a big fan of Our Daily Bread, In Touch Ministries (my favorite pastor is the late Charles Stanley), and Turning Point (David Jeremiah) – you can sign up for daily devotionals emailed to you early in the morning for any of these programs.

 And if you’re looking for a new Bible, my favorite is the Life Principles Bible. Added into the Scriptures are notes on Charles Stanley’s life principles on the Christian’s walk, each based upon biblical principles (like “obey God, and leave all the consequences to Him”). I love this context and modern-day application!

4. Pray for guidance and understanding.

Before you begin reading, ask the Holy Spirit to guide you and help you understand what you're reading. This will help you to gain more insight and apply what you've learned to your life.

 5. Make it a priority. Just like with any habit, consistency is key.

Make reading the Bible in the morning a priority in your life, and don't let anything else take its place.  Write it in your calendar if you need to.

In conclusion, reading the Bible in the morning can reap numerous benefits in your walk with Christ. It can help you start your day on the right foot, focus your mind, boost your spiritual growth, set the tone for your day, and even improve your sleep.

By making time for Bible study in the morning, you'll be better equipped to face the challenges of the day and to live out your faith in practical ways.  It’s the best way to ensure that what you read stays fresh in your mind.  This helps you better retain it, so you’re more likely to apply it through the day!

So, why not give it a try? Make reading the Bible in the morning a habit and see the difference it can make in your life.  Let it shape your thoughts, actions, and attitudes throughout the day.

Don’t know where to start? Reading through the Bible in a year is a great place!

If that sounds overwhelming - I understand. I thought so the first time I did it, but it was easy with a good plan and made me look at it in a totally different way. If you want to give it a shot, try my Bible in 365 Days plan!

It’s a simple and doable breakdown of what to read every day, with the benefit of not having to start on January 1 or lagging behind if you miss a day or two (it’s easy to jump right back in). Get it here!


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