10 Things to Embrace (& Ditch) by the Time You Turn 40
LIfe is too short to do things you don’t like (and not enough of what you do). Here are 10 things I’ve found happiness in ditching and embracing at 43 years old.

Creating a Work From Home Routine That’s Productive & Enjoyable
Are you considering working from home (or want to make your current WFH day better)? After a year-and-a-half of being a remote employee, here are the best tips for creating a healthy, productive, and enjoyable routine when you’re working from your house!

Natural Remedies for Sinus Issues
If you (like me) have awful sinuses, here are a list of ways you can naturally alleviate pain and any other icky issues!

How to Eat for Hair Growth after 40
Since food is medicine, the best way to prevent hair thinning is by eating the right foods!

How to Beat the Sunday Scaries
The Sunday scaries…something we all know and hate. Here’s the easiest way to beat them and ensure you have an enjoyable Sunday that isn’t plagued with anxiety and dread!

Things to Do Instead of Drinking
A common concern for people who want to cut back or quit drinking is what they’ll do instead. It’s VERY easy to fill that time with things that are more enjoyable and fulfilling, like these suggestions! You’ll be surprised how much extra time you have…

Perfect Your Evening Routine for a Good Morning
The best morning starts the night before. Here’s how to perfect your after-work routine to help you finalize your day and prep for the next morning before winding down and relaxing for a good night’s sleep!

What to Expect When You Take a Break from Alcohol
If you’re considering a break from alcohol, here’s what to expect. Some of it will surprise you!

Decadent Proffee Combinations: Dessert in Your Morning Coffee Cup
Proffee is the easiest healthy breakfast and is perfect for busy mornings. But just because this is a basic recipe doesn’t mean it needs to TASTE that way! Here are my favorite unique combinations of flavored coffees and protein powders - start having fun with your breakfast so that it tastes like dessert in a cup!

Easy Snacks That Support Liver Health
Usually snack time is for processed foods, which are not good for your liver (or any other part of you). Here are the best easy snacks to throw together filled with ingredients that support liver health!

Alcohol Alternatives on Amazon!
Are you looking to cut back on drinking? Good news if you have a Prime membership - Amazon has tons of great non-alcoholic alternatives!

My Morning Routine for Improving Productivity, Weight Management, and My Walk with God
Over the past 2 years I have refined the perfect morning routine to help me improve my daily walk with God, improve my productivity, lose weight and keep it off, and feel overall better. Steal some of these for your own daily routine!

Proffee: The Easiest and Most Efficient Breakfast
Whether you’re running short on time, don’t want to prep anything, or wanting to fuel a morning workout, proffee provides the protein and nutrients you need in the morning along with caffeine in the blink of an eye.

Spirulina Smoothie Bowls: An Honest Review
If you want to try the spirulina smoothie bowl that’s alllll over social media, read on before you buy all the ingredients and invest the time!

Why Morning Is the Best Time for Your Bible Reading (and How to Do It)
You know you should be reading the Bible every day, but it can be hard to find time. Here’s why (and how!) you should add the Bible to your morning routine!

The Easiest Strategy to Help You Cut Down on Drinking
If you’re looking to cut back on alcohol, try this easy strategy that will naturally help you drink less without even thinking about it!

How Waking Up at 5:30AM Changed My Life
As a reformed night owl, here are the reasons waking up at 5:30 AM changed my life for the better, and why you should consider trying it too!

When Falling Back to Sleep Is Your Problem
If you routinely wake up in the middle of the night then can’t fall back to sleep, you know the dilemma. Do you take another melatonin or sleeping pill and risk feeling groggy all morning, or do you just get out of bed and start your day too early? Here’s the solution to quieting your mind without any adverse effects in the morning!

How I Lost 30 Pounds without Dieting or Exercise
The secret is just some biology we often overlook, especially as women. Here is how I lost 30 pounds without deprivation or exercise.

6 Ways to Be Healthy Today (with Minimal Effort)
Whether you’ve had an overindulgent weekend or looking to take a small step toward better health, here are six things you can do today to feel better in your body right now.