Spirulina Smoothie Bowls: An Honest Review
If you want to try the spirulina smoothie bowl that’s alllll over social media, read on before you buy all the ingredients and invest the time!

The Easiest Strategy to Help You Cut Down on Drinking
If you’re looking to cut back on alcohol, try this easy strategy that will naturally help you drink less without even thinking about it!

Guide to Using Herbs & Spices on Fruits & Veggies
What is the easiest way to bump up the flavor of produce so that you actually get your daily servings without adding a bunch of salt or fat? Herbs and spices! But if you don’t know which to add to what, here are some great pairings!

How Waking Up at 5:30AM Changed My Life
As a reformed night owl, here are the reasons waking up at 5:30 AM changed my life for the better, and why you should consider trying it too!

When Falling Back to Sleep Is Your Problem
If you routinely wake up in the middle of the night then can’t fall back to sleep, you know the dilemma. Do you take another melatonin or sleeping pill and risk feeling groggy all morning, or do you just get out of bed and start your day too early? Here’s the solution to quieting your mind without any adverse effects in the morning!

How I Lost 30 Pounds without Dieting or Exercise
The secret is just some biology we often overlook, especially as women. Here is how I lost 30 pounds without deprivation or exercise.

Get Your Daily Greens (without a Juicer)
If your social media feeds are also filled with ads for Athletic Greens now, you may be interested in green juice powders in the morning. Here I discuss an alternative product that is half the price (and tastes like green tea)!

Which Meal Delivery Service Is Right for You?
Have you been considering a meal delivery service but feel overwhelmed by the options? Here is a comparison of the costs and benefits of each to make it easier!

6 Ways to Be Healthy Today (with Minimal Effort)
Whether you’ve had an overindulgent weekend or looking to take a small step toward better health, here are six things you can do today to feel better in your body right now.

Stay Healthy While Traveling - Holiday Edition
If you’re traveling for the holidays, you can maintain your healthy habits with a few simple tips and tweaks to your routine! Read on for ideas for your healthiest holiday…

Gift Guide for Healthy Women
If you’re racking your brain trying to find a gift for a health-conscious friend, you’re in the right place! Here are unique, useful, and feminine gifts for the healthy eater or fitness buff friend in your life!

Handy Tips for Reversing Fatty Liver Disease
If you’re one of the millions with fatty liver disease, the good news is that you can reverse the damage! Here is your ultimate guide for simple changes to your lifestyle that can help!

The Ultimate Guide to Avoiding Holiday Weight Gain
The holidays should be enjoyed, not dreaded! Here is the ultimate guide to avoiding weight gain that comes this time of year in a four-part series!

Early to Bed, Early to Rise: Avoid Holiday Weight Gain, Part 3
In part three of the series on how to avoid holiday weight gain, we discuss the how an easy tweak like going to bed and waking up earlier can have a big impact on your waistline (and productivity)!

Up Your Produce & Change Your Mindset: Avoid Holiday Weight Gain, Part 2
To continue the series on failproof ways to avoid holiday weight gain, loading up on fruits and veggies before indulging in any holiday treats will fill you up and leave less room and cravings for indulgences!

Pamper Your Liver: Avoid Holiday Weight Gain, Part 1
Tis the season to overindulge. Here in the first of a series on how to prevent holiday weight gain, learn how to make your liver health work for your waistline!

What’s in Season: November
Just because it’s getting colder doesn’t mean there aren’t lots of different fruits and veggies in seaons - read more about what’s in season now to uncover what might be a new favorite!
Superfoods for Liver Health
If you are looking to improve your health or increase weight loss, your liver is one of the best places to start. Here are the top foods for liver health and why!

Pumpkin Pie Chia Pudding
This chia seed pudding is the perfect blend of fall flavors and will help you fight colds & the flu all season!

Nature’s Anti-Anxiety Pill: 5-HTP
5-HTP is something that naturally occurs in your body and can improve mood and reduce anxiety when taken as a supplement!