Why You Should Add Barre to Your Fitness Routine

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Barre is a full body workout that uses small movements with high reps to strengthen and tone your entire body.

It involves a ballet barre (hence the name) but is not actually ballet, so you do not need dance experience to enjoy it (yes, ENJOY a workout) and get all the benefits it provides.

I will also guarantee that the day after your first class, however, you will not be able to walk. It kicks you right in the you-know-what.

The great thing about this workout is that it can be done either in a studio or at home with minimal to no equipment once you understand how to connect your mind and body.

What that means in plain English is that you can feel each muscle engaging and focus on that to get the most out of each movement.  For example, during a plank set, you can focus on engaging your core, quads, and glutes rather than just going through the movements. 

Let’s first discuss what barre is. It’s sort of a crossover among ballet, Pilates, and yoga. There can be an actual ballet barre involved (or a chair or counter at home) for balance, plus floor work on a yoga mat for core. You will feel like you are working out like a dancer without any of the callouses and bloody toes.

You will work your arms, core, bum, and legs, plus do a series of pushups and planks.

The benefits of barre are many, most notably because it is good for any fitness level.  Unlike, say, Crossfit, barre moves can be easily modified and understood.  For this reason you will see a wide range of ages and fitness levels in the class.  Every body can benefit from this strength training method (that also raises your heart rate!). 

With that being said, here is why I fell in love with barre, and why I think you will too.

  1. You work muscles you didn’t even know you had. 

    There are some inner thigh and back muscles that are ignited by some demon barre master, and it is amazing.  Because you don’t know it until the next day (see several bullets below).

  2. You walk away feeling very graceful and pretty. 

    The focus on posture and form does make you feel a bit like you are taking a ballet class, and you leave feeling leaner and more graceful. 

  3. You quickly see (after a month or so) muscles appearing, most notably in your shoulders. 

    Your shoulders are usually the first place where you see muscle definition, but if you are one of those people with shoulder problems (I destroyed mine at age 15), the light weight load should allow you to do the exercises and see those pretty muscle lines.  That is a wonderful motivating factor to keep going. 

    **I will preface this next point with the fact that it does not feel as easy as sitting on the couch while you are doing it.** 

  4. You don’t feel like you can’t make it through this class but instead feel energized. 

    Then the next day you often feel like parts of your legs died (particularly early on).  There’s nothing better than a good workout sore except having a workout that is enjoyable and hooks you then makes you feel that way.

This is a great option for a workout over your lunch hour because it is intense, requires little freshening up because you won’t sweat much, and energizes you for the afternoon.

Here you get a mental break, particularly since this workout requires on you to focus on the muscles you are working to truly engage them (when you are only using 2 or 3 pounds, you need that mind-body connection). That gets your mind out of work stress or family stress or whatever stress to allow you to come back to them more clear-headed to tackle whatever comes your way in the afternoon.

Also, since you won’t really be sweating, you don’t need to shower, just change, and get back to your office quickly. No need to worry about destroyed hair or pit stains.

If you are looking to switch up your fitness routine, try something new, challenge yourself, and take your strength to the next level, I encourage you to try barre.

If you’d like a low risk and non-public way to try barre, I am a happy subscriber to Alo Moves, which includes hundreds of barre (and Pilates, and yoga, and HIIT, and strength) classes for only $13 per month!

Barre has done a lot for me, both physically and mentally.

When I got out of the hospital after a severe illness, it took about a month before I could even get out of bed.

By that point, I had lost so much muscle that I couldn’t even stand up without assistance.

As I slowly regained strength from a produce-heavy diet that literally saved my life, I began to incorporate barre into my daily life. I started off small and did as much as I could, but after about 2 weeks, I was able to stand up on my own again (sounds sad, but it was a sweet victory that I cherish and will always remember). I kept increasing the length and intensity of my workouts, modifying less and less, and in another month or so I saw muscle definition again.

I cried when I saw those muscles in my legs again.

A few months after that, I blew out the candles on my 40th birthday cake in potentially the strongest body I have ever had, and I credit that to all that barre training.

If you are feeling overwhelmed about beginning a fitness routine, I get it. I’ve been there.

Maybe you’re recovering from having a baby, having surgery, an illness, or an extended break from exercise (momentum works in both directions when it comes to a fitness routine!). Maybe you’ve never been a big fan of exercise, or you’re looking to switch your routine up to challenge yourself.

Regardless of your fitness level, barre can play a role in taking you to your next level in terms of strength, balance, coordination, and flexibility. Plus, I’d be lying if I didn’t say it was nice to see those leg muscles.

Do you want to give barre a try too? $13 for a full month of classes done in the privacy of your living room is a great way to start!

If you’re not ready to try Alo Moves but still want to a barre routine you can download and save for later, sign up here for my FREE Intro to Barre class. It provides a full body workout that will challenge you, but more importantly, that you will enjoy!


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