Your “Day Of” Prep List for a Flight

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You have a great vacation coming up, yay!  Inevitably though, the day of the flight ends up involving so many last minute things you need to do that you’re convinced someone is playing a prank on you. 

While I can’t promise things won’t pop up, I can give you my guide to making the day of your flight as productive and stress-free as possible, getting your trip off to a great start.

(Please also note that the following assume that you don’t have a crazy early flight.  And hopefully you had the option of a flight at the ideal time for preventing jet lag – read more about how to schedule that in this post!)

This is the sequence of things I do the day of a flight to feel calm and luxurious and get the vacation going early.  If you took the day off, you may as well feel like you’re on vacation from the moment the alarm goes off, no?

1.        Open Your Blinds. 

The first thing you should do is open your blinds.  Getting sun in the morning helps regulate your circadian rhythm.  If you are going to be trying to sleep on a plane later, anything you can do to make that easier is good. 

2.       Work Out.

Exercise is also key to helping you sleep better, plus it helps de-stress you and give you a sense of control. 

Since you’re tight on time, you’ll need to be as efficient as possible.  I wrote about efficient workouts during a different type of time restriction, your lunch hour. 

Check out that blog post to get free routines for both a high intensity interval routine and a strength training routineEach is around a half hour so able to squeeze into even a busy day, and if you have the time, double up and do them both!

3.       Have a Healthy Breakfast.

If you start off with protein, some produce, and coffee (or tea!), you will set yourself up to be productive! 

Also, when you make healthier choices early in the day, you are more likely to keep doing it through the day.  (And we all know that your eating is really easily thrown off when you travel.) Why not try proffee or a smoothie for a lazy and ultra healthy meal?

This is part of a healthy and productive morning in general (and if you are looking to become more of a morning person and build a morning routine, read how to do that here). 

4.       Shower.

After working out, and knowing you’re going to feel filthy and greasy after getting on a plane (more tips on how to counteract that here!), it always makes me feel like I can conquer the world when I’m feeling fresh and clean while getting on a plane (especially after a good workout and solid nutritional day). 

5.       Do a Full Skin Care Routine.

Whether you are like me and love an abbreviate version of the Korean skin care routine or just really love a sheet mask and jade roller, do whatever makes you and your skin happy!  You will be limited in your skin pampering for the next potentially 24 – 36 hours, so relish it now!  (Don’t forget sunscreen because the UV rays are stronger when you’re airborne.)

Also, be sure to brush your teeth before you leave your house!

6.       Double Check THESE Essentials.

You will definitely make sure you have your passport, phone, and wallet as you walk out the door.  However, there are other must-haves. 

You don’t realize it’s an essential to have movies downloaded until you’re in the middle of South America and nothing on TV in English.  Some things aren’t essential until you leave the comfort of home!

Be sure you have this, along with books and magazines and whatever else entertains you when you have downtime. 

Your other essentials are flip flops/slippers for the plane, pashmina, eye mask, ear plugs, neck pillow, and melatonin.  Again, you won’t realize how essential these are until you’re 30,000 feet airborne and trying to sleep next to a snorer. 

I am assuming you also already double checked that you have printed copies of your passport; health insurance; and itinerary, including hotel addresses and US Embassy addresses.  But now that we’re talking about that, have you emailed flight and hotel information to a couple of friends and family members?

Finally, your phone and tablet chargers and sunglasses.  I forgot sunglasses on a trip to Italy once (not the end of the world of course to buy new sunglasses, but just a reminder).

7.       Check Your Snacks.

Like my dad’s Y2K stockpile, I’m always prepared with food and water.  Unlike that stockpile, I actually eat the food I bring (why Bruce bought creamed corn is beyond me). 

Be sure you have protein bars, your favorite travel snack (mine is Chex Mix for some reason), a couple of oranges for the flight.  It is ALWAYS better to be safe than sorry. 

This is important for at the airport, on the flight, during layovers, and perhaps most importantly, your final destination!  You never know what your options will be, so it’s good to have healthy snacks on hand to prevent hanger or eating crap that will make you feel sluggish.

Also be sure you have your water bottle!

8.       Take Your Vitamins and Probiotics.

Then throw them into your carryon.  Your probiotic in particular is something you should never be without while traveling abroad! 

Read more about that and how to eat healthily while traveling here, but this is one rule of thumb that has been proven necessary repeatedly.

To make sure you have everything you need (and save money in bag checking fees), click here for my ultimate packing list for traveling with just a carry on!



How to Enjoy a Long Haul Flight

Your Guide to Nutrition on a Long Haul Flight

How to Beat Jet Lag Effortlessly

Travel Essentials under $40

How to Eat Healthily While Traveling and Avoiding Disaster


Your Guide to Better Sleep: Quality AND Quantity


Conquer Your Fears about Traveling Alone:  Part I