7 Things You Should Drink for Better Health

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These days, I think anytime we read a list about drinks related to health, it’s what not to drink. 

Things like a large Frappucino, which is even worse than a milkshake (if you want a milkshake, have a milkshake, but don’t mentally bucket it as a coffee drink).  However, this is a list of things you SHOULD be drinking to boost nutritional needs. 

Whether adding vitamins to your diet or supplementing your protein needs, what you drink can help fill nutritional gaps rather than being “can’t haves.” 

1.       Lemon water.

I have written many times about the beauty of lemon water.  Lemons are one of nature’s perfect foods with its intense punch of vitamin C.  Regular lemon juice consumption has been associated with cancer fighting properties. 

There are varying schools of thought on lemon water (because the modern world has an opinion on EVERYTHING) which come down to drinking it morning or night and in cold or hot water.

I like squeezing half a lemon into a cold glass of water in the morning.  It is remarkably refreshing and rehydrates you after a night of sweating all over your bed. 

2.       Smoothies/greens.

This one shouldn’t be a surprise. Smoothies are the most efficient vehicle for delivering fruits and vegetables into your body. Greens powders are trendy because they do the same thing without needed to dirty a blender or go grocery shopping.

My problem with smoothies in general is that it is almost impossible to come up with a good combination of fruits and vegetables to maximize nutrients without feeling like you’re eating lawn in a bowl.

I have been on a perpetual quest to find the perfect smoothie recipe.  I have perpetually failed. 

It was hard for me to give up on this though, because this is really the perfect delivery system for nutrients.  Until I found Evive.

This is why powdered smoothies and greens are amazing - all you need is a milk frother to mix them.

Yes, that has to be the easiest breakfast you can make.

3.       Collagen.

This is getting more attention these days because collagen powder is popping up everywhere, even at your local drugstore. And there’s a good reason for that.

Collagen is the foundation of skin, muscles, tendons, and ligaments. This means it keeps your skin looking young and supports your joints.

Your body slows down collagen production as you age, unfortunately, so a great way to get additional collagen is through a powder you can add to water or even your morning coffee.

4.       Beet juice powder.

Beets are a divisive vegetable, but they are chock full of nutrients that do amazing things for your body. Much of the hype about them comes from their ability to increase nitric oxide levels, which supports heart health and blood pressure. However, I think the most underrated benefit of beets is that they are a superfood for the liver. So the humble beet can help supercharge fat burning potential by supporting your liver function!

The problem is that they are, admittedly, and acquired taste. Enter beet juice. Beet juice is, in fact, even more beneficial to your liver than the actual vegetable!

The benefit of beet juice powder is that you get all the nutritional bang of beets without the earthy (i.e. dirt) flavor.

The juice is hard to find (though if you live near a Trader Joe’s, they have a great version pepped up with lemon juice), so I go for beet juice powder. Just add it to a glass of water or juice or a smoothie, and you’ve got it.

As far as supplements go, the health boost I get at a pretty affordable price point from beet juice powder puts it at the top of my list!

5.       Tea. 

I am an absolute coffee devotee.  But I go through phases where I drink a lot of tea.    I consider coffee to be a staple and non-negotiable, but tea is a lovely added indulgence. 

Whether you are drinking green, black, white, etc., you are getting a healthy dose of antioxidants that do everything from fight cancer to improve metabolism. Sometimes the right flavor can also take an edge off cravings!

Tea bags are easy, but I love how loose leaf or sachets can step up an ordinary cup of tea into something that feels fancy.

Tea is still a fun extra for me because there are a hundred different kinds and flavors. Since I’m no expert, I love Art of Tea. The company makes picking out something tailored to my taste way less overwhelming by offering a tea quiz - click here to find your perfect blends!

When I saw Matcha Cocoa on the site, I knew I was in love.

6.       Coffee. 

Coffee provides a hefty dose of antioxidants, plus it can help you power through a workout!

(Drink 6 oz a half hour or so before you hit the gym.)

This is still controversial because some people seem to think caffeine is bad and that coffee dehydrates you.  Most of us drink coffee moderately.  Unless you overload yourself with it, coffee does not dehydrate you. 

What is considered too much?  There are a variety of answers to that, and basically it all varies based on your size, activity level, how much you’ve eaten, etc, but the absolute easiest way to determine if you’re drinking too much caffeine is if you are getting jittery or noticeably anxious.  At that point it is time to cut back. 

Regarding the ongoing coffee versus tea debate: both have health benefits! If you prefer one over the other, by all means stick with it. However, from time to time you can add the other to your rotation.

7.       Proffee.

This combines two of my favorite things:  efficiency and deliciousness.  I would consider proffee the ultimate lazy breakfast hack because it includes protein and caffeine. 

Proffee is a combination of coffee and a protein shake. 

While I usually hate a portmanteaux, here it just works. 

You can experiment if you are feeling sassy, but in generally, I combine half a protein shake (this Quest one is my forever favorite because it is high quality, clean protein that actually tastes like an indulgent treat…with minimal sugar) with a cup of coffee. 

If that is enough coffee for you, I applaud you, but personally, I usually (always) add the other half to a second cup.  An added benefit of this is that you don’t need to add milk or sweetener!

This is the ultimate drink for healthy and/or tired people who are tight on time in the morning…or just being lazy.  Here you get both antioxidants and macronutrients to fuel your body for the day with essentially no time investment.

Here is my list of favorite coffee/protein flavor combos (like chocolate peanut butter cup)!

Runner up: Ovaltine.

I one hundred percent went there. I was scrolling through social media recently and saw someone mention it and thought “why aren’t we all still drinking that stuff??”

The reason it is a runner up is because of the added sugars (8 grams per serving). However, it is still on the list because it’s a good pre-bedtime treat.

Ovaltine provides a nice array of vitamins and minerals, most notably magnesium, which helps you sleep.

A lot of us are deficient in it, so if you are looking for a mindful indulgence before bed, this is a good option. It also provides vitamin D, another vitamin most of us need more of,, plus calcium. And let’s face it, the stuff is delicious.

All in, I am not recommending you live on this. However, if you are looking for a sweet treat that also has nutritional benefits, Ovaltine is a good bet.

There you have 7 beverages (and one runner up) that can effortlessly deliver extra nutrients to what you eat on a daily basis!


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