Christian Life.
Encouragement for Your Daily Walk.
If you’re struggling with the loss of your beloved family member, I’ve been there. Here are the biblical principles that helped give me peace and the knowledge that I’d see my baby again.
God created your pet and loves him/her even more than you do!
If you feel that God is leading you to do something today but don’t think you’re able, let’s look at six examples from the Bible who perservered through that! Because when God calls you to do something, He equips you to do it!
How often do we forget the impossible obstacles God has overcome for us? Too often.
Looking at the account of the Israelites wandering in the desert provides us a good reminder that God is faithful and can overcome ANY perceived obstacle.
The story of Sarah teaches us that God keeps His promises, even when they seem impossible to us.
We all know Abraham, Sarah, Moses, and David, but the Bible is rich with people who showed remarkable faith. Here’s what to learn from these lesser known faith heroes.
We all know how destructive jealousy can be, but it’s so hard to fight. Here are ten biblical examples of jealousy, what we can learn from them, and Bible verses to turn to for strength!
Over the past 2 years I have refined the perfect morning routine to help me improve my daily walk with God, improve my productivity, lose weight and keep it off, and feel overall better. Steal some of these for your own daily routine!
We’ve all experienced the pain of a friend who wronged us. If you’re in the middle of it, here are some biblical examples of betrayal to learn from plus the verses that bring me tremendous comfort in that situation.
As someone with zero patience, I often struggle to wait on God. But then I remind myself that His timing is perfect. Here is why you should wait on God and examples of his blessings on those who did.
We all have fears, some far worse than others. For the serious fears in your life, the best way to conquer it is with faith. Every single time. Read more for how to do that!
We are all trying to lead healthier lives, but what does God say about healthy living? Here are some solid biblical principles pointing to the importance of eating well and staying active!
When we are overwhelmed and just want to give up, there IS a way to run from our problems that is productive. And that is straight to God.
God created us to be social and support each other. Here are some of the most important things the Bible says about friendship and how to strengthen yours!
As a Christian, your decision-making and relationship with God are greatly improved if you learn to listen for what He is trying to say! Here’s how you can do that…
Trials are inevitable in life, but leaning on God’s faithfulness helps you get through them. Here are six ways I leaned on God in my biggest trial - if they helped me, they’ll help you too!
You know you should be reading the Bible every day, but it can be hard to find time. Here’s why (and how!) you should add the Bible to your morning routine!
If you’ve been looking for cute and flattering workout clothes from a faith-based company, your search is over! Cute, comfortable, and affordable, be active with your body and in your faith!
These simple changes in my Bible reading and prayer made a huge difference in my daily walk with God!